
The San Marcos Foothills Preserve tower site (34.459240, -119.764300) is located approximately 300m northeast from the parking area at the trailhead. We have a key from County Parks to unlock the gate for drive in access. Drive east through the gate out of this parking area and follow the trail as it winds through a gully, the site is on the other side of this gully in an open field. Park on the side of this trail and carry to the site, approximately 20m south (pin shows north in map below, but not installed in this location).

Figure 1. Overview of site access and parking area


  • The drive-in gate is locked.  The key is in the base trailer.
  • Contact is not required for maintenance visits
  • Primary contact: 
  • Drive no more than 5 mph with your hazards on whenever moving on the trail, and always yield to hikers 

To Do

One mote connector is just taped, and should have a cap.

Site Photos

Taken 3/25

View from site clockwise from N (somehow ended up with 9 photos again):



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