A short day, as Kate and I visited the Univ. of Ill. Dept. of Atmos. Sci. in the morning to deliver RELAMPAGO cell modems to Steve Nesbitt, and talk to Francina.

Cloud during the day, though still hot and humid, with a downpour in the evening just as we left.  Hopefully, everything was secured to water – we checked DSM Bulgin caps, closed the vent in the SODAR trailer, and covered the tubs still remaining in the pickup.

In our half day, just went through cockpit to identify issues and fix the low-hanging fruit:

  • trh.0,2m.rel: data are bonkers, with T=-61, RH=0.  Turned out that the SHT was loose inside the Gortex shield.  Reseated SHT and started working.
  • trh.10m.init: exactly the same issue.  Will climb tomorrow to fix.
  • csat.10m.uconv: was plugged into the wrong port (usb4 rather than usb6).  Fixed, but data only coming in at 1sps.  Need to reconfigure sampling rate.
  • csat/irga.1.5m.lconv: was not getting power.  Swapping cables with the csat.3m blew the power front panel's 1A fuse.  Changed power bank and was able to bring everything up, though the EC150 LED never went green.  Next step is to replace the EC150 head.  I think we have a spare.
  • trh.15m.lconv and trh.20m.lconv. Should be getting power and jumpers set to RS232, but no data or response to commands.  I suspect that the SHTs were not installed in the housings.  We'll check this tomorrow as well.

I did find some cockpit plot range issues, that I fixed, and others that I didn't (don't know why not).

No mote or power monitor data are getting through to cockpit yet.  I'll work on that tomorrow as well.

Actually, all of this is pretty minor for such a complex deployment!  I note that 3 of the 5 sensor issues are with the TRHs that we never checked during staging.

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