Today Tony, Gert-Jan, and Chris Set up S18, (Windermere).

Met Milo at gate - he was very friendly and helpful.

Everyone did and great job, and everyone learned different aspects of the set up.
All equipment was reporting after setup.

Note 1:  I used the wierd "Y" power cables on the first two sets of solar panels, but that may not be correct.
I did verify charging on both S4 and S18, but the Y power cable does not seem to be a parallel configuration.
If not we may want to change the power cable connecting the two panels at S4 and S18.

Note 2: There are animals free roming on the property, Lama, Steer, donkey, some goats, Milo said they generally leave stuff alone, and we will play a wait and see game.
There are other communications equipment with wiring, and the animals leave all of that alone.
Milo did offer to put some panel fench around the equipment if the animals bother it.

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