Blog from June, 2023

EC150 post testing

10m.c (SN 1473) read high and 15m.c (SN 1390) read low during the project, so we want to know what is going on.  Some input:

  • The edges of the lens on 1390 were cloudy when inspected in the lab
  • In the staging lab, I fired up both along with SN 1494 which had been in the lab.  The h2o values were:
    • 1494: 8.68 g/m^3
    • 1390: 3.60 g/m^3 (5.08 lower than 1494)
    • 1473: 9.21 g/m^3 (0.53 higher; 5.58 higher than 1390)
  • We just did the lab zero/span test.  During that:
    • 1473: zero 0.71 (3.33 higher than 1390); then zeroed
    • 1390: zero -2.62; then zeroed
    • h2o span is still in progress
  • After the zero/span, repeating the staging lab test:
    • 1494: 7.98
    • 1390: 9.55 (1.57 higher than 1494)
    • 1473: 9.21 (1.23 higher than 1494 and 0.34 lower than 1390)

This seems to indicate that the zero/span process does actually change the output values.  Now I'm even more puzzled!  (As to why these sensors immediately had large offsets between the pre-SOS lab calibrations and the first data taken in the field).

Last soil core

As part of teardown, we took a core sample yesterday 21 June, at 3pm:

Tin: 21.21g (tin #2)

Wet: 98.24g

We set up the sample for 1–4 cm depth

We'll bring the sample back to Boulder tomorrow for the dry weighing.

We couldn't figure out how to log into the "d" DSM using our phones.  We did reconnect it (with a mote) and ran it for about 30min off the battery backup, so there should be a tiny bit of data on d's USB stick.  If for some reason this didn't work (we couldn't monitor it), we could just use the reading from the day before when the DSM was running normally.


Doing this after the fact, so may be incomplete (but written jointly by Steve, Chris, and Tony):

Weather was fantastic: warm, partly cloudy, not too windy.

After every break, a load was brought back to the U-Haul (parked at RMBL). The 2 track to kettle ponds was muddy but passable with the GSA trucks.

Tues: Onsite: Chris, Tony, Will, Josh, Justin, Terry, Brigitte

  • Performed safety brief (Need to update the JHA form to flow with briefing)
  • remove PI sensors and started removing all sensors that were reachable from ground level.
  • removed all sensors from UE and UW
  • removed all sonics from Center tower
  • Lowered UE  (in one piece)
  • removed all power boxes and power cables (NOTE: BX Cable survived just fine under the snowpack)

Wed: Onsite: Chris, Tony, Will, Josh, Justin. Terry and Brigitte left at 1, replaced by Steve

  • Lowered UW (in one piece used pulley system attached to anchor)
    Would it be possible to use a GriGri or elevated safety to lower towers
  • removed all TRHs and DSMs from Center tower
  • removed all equipment from D
  • removed anchors as towers were lowered

Afternoon break, then:

  • Took soil core
  • Lowered d tower (in one piece).  Only had one person on a side guy and tower slipped that way during lowering.  Should have had someone on other side guy!
  • Removed soil sensors
  • Dismantled c tower from 70' to 20'
  • Left site about 1845 – another long day!

Thurs: Onsite: Chris, Tony, Will, Josh, Justin, Steve, Elise, her tech Asa

  • removed snow pillows
  • lowered the last 20' of c
  • organized anchored hardware during disassembly
  • cleaned up site
  • Left site with last load about 1200
  • Cleared out RMBL storage room and Packed up the U-haul
DSM testing at SOS

I am using the last few days of SOS operations to test DSM software changes.  So far the only DSM that has seen an interruption is cb, but others may follow.

A friendly reminder to those participating in teardown to collect the 3rd and final soil sample. 

There was an interruption to the real-time data beginning about 30 minutes ago while NIDAS was updated on barolo.  The data flow appears to be working again, but please let me know if anyone notices any problems.

The NIDAS version on barolo is now the latest version, and it includes a significant change which removes nc_server as a dependency.  Instead, the NIDAS nc_server outputs are now installed with nc_server, and the DSOs are loaded from there at runtime by NIDAS.