ISS setup has been underway for a few days and has been making great progress thanks to Lou, Liz, John and Dexter who were the advance team arriving last week.  Gary arrived on Monday and I arrived last night.  The three trailers arrived last week with the ISS1 and lidar trailers coming directly from the CFACT campaign in Utah, and the ISS2 trailer which coming from Boulder.  

The ISS1 site (the Santa Barbara county office complex on Cathedral Oaks road) hosts the ISS1 and lidar trailers (and the ISFS base trailer).   ISS1 has mostly been unpacked and set up, although there is still computer configuration and tidying up work to do.  The 449 MHz Modular Profiler started running this afternoon and is working well so far, getting winds to the 2 - 3 km level.  There is some radio interference although so far it seems to be manageable.  The surface met is hooked up but not yet recording and we only have a temporary mount for the Lufft.  The CL61 ceilometer is mounted on the front of the ISS1 trailer, but not hooked up.  The lidar trailer has been mostly unpacked and the lidar prepared for a crane lift tomorrow to the roof of the trailer.  The GPS Water Vapor was also mounted and connected.

The ISS2 trailer is still packed up and currently at Cathedral Oaks but will be moved to the Rancho Alegre site tomorrow.

The ISS3 trailer has been on site at the UCSB Sedgwick Reserve since March 2020 when the pandemic shutdown the original SWEX campaign.  Much equipment had been packed away, although the profiler was still assembled (minus the electronics) and the surface met power was still standing (with most sensors removed).  Some work has been done restoring the site, and we will be working there again over the weekend.

Gary, Liz and Dexter working on the ISS1 surface met system

John working on the Modular Profiler.

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