Started chilly, then nice, then windy and cold, then a nice evening.

Dan has started PTO – Thanks for everything!!


  • lowered TT
  • reseated connector to Rlw.xx.7m and got it going
  • dressed cables up TT and closed off spiral cable guides
  • raised TT (finally!), up about 10AM
  • removed Sebastian's darkhorse


  • unplugged and plugged in USB serial dongle, then restarted NIDAS.  Got HRXL going
  • did a crude compass boom angle shoot of 237deg magnetic (248 true) looking into the boom.
  • However, something that we did stopped cc from being on the net.  Probably have to reboot it.  Might wait until we go out to install a thermocouple.


  • replaced TRH housings at 1m, 3m (they didn't have fans!). Now both are working
  • reconfigured mote IDs on Rsw.xx.2m and now see data
  • lowered TT
  • replaced TRH housing at 17m that was working (so data would have been fine, just had been reading too high Rfan).  Replacement is normal.
  • installed thermocouples at all 3 levels
  • closed off spiral cable guides
  • raised TT
  • connected TC_LOGGER to dcsr, port 6 and changed config (but didn't get data until I also changed the baudrate to 115200 – different than the RAD_LOGGER!)
  • installed thermocouple connectors at 1, 2, 3m
  • installed an actual thermocouple at 3m
  • discovered that AC power was off (when Utah started plugging lots of things in).  It had been down since about noon 2 days ago.  Turned out to be a loose plug at the power panel.  Have tried to connect, but don't get a solid "click" when trying to turn.  We'll have to keep an eye on this.


  • asked Chris to FedEx an early CSAT3A to us to replace the one that has been removed.  It will need a special mount.


  • this snow depth sensor appears to have fixed itself, with no action by us.


  • replace a sonic at SH (tomorrow AM)
  • get cc back on the net
  • connect TC logger at prs
  • sprinkle thermocouples on satellite sites

1 Comment

  1. Steve Oncley AUTHOR

    Sebastian and Eric contacted me after I wrote this.  They have a CSAT3A that they will bring tomorrow for us to install at SH.  Of course, a few hours later, we expect ours to show up from FedEx.  However, theirs will have the new mount (though still will have to be exchanged with our cassette mount), so it would be easy to get it installed.