Weather: This morning began overcast before clearing out by noon. Breezy most of the day and very very cold. The forecast for tomorrow is similar to today with clear skies and slightly higher temperatures.

  • Multiple sites did not make it through the night again, as we feared due to the weather yesterday. Lconvm failed around 1730 CST, although we suspect this was likely due to a loose fuse on the power monitor board. Init1/t failed at 0217, lconv1/t failed just before 0400 (could have been due to the lconvm Ubiquity being down because voltage was 11.8 at the time), and rel1/t failed around 0617. Initm, relm, and uconv1 made it through the night. Other than these power issues, no obvious issues were noted today. 
  • Terry visited us today, taking a tour of the sites and providing valuable input on some of our issues. Based on his input and suggestion, we will purchase two 6V golf cart batteries and wire them in series at lconvm. We will get these batteries tomorrow from a local battery and golf cart specialty store (very conveniently exactly the store we needed) and see how this site makes it through the next week and a half.
  • At the end of the day we noticed that all of lconv had been dropping in and out all day. As we troubleshot the issue we determined that lconv1/t were operating just fine and had complete data files. Lconvm/2 both had many data files being created with only a few seconds/minutes of data in each. We think that the power was out between 1230 and 1600, perhaps intermittently, which prevented the data from lconv1/t from being sent via the network. We didn't notice any obvious reason for this power outage, although I noted that the fuse on the power monitor board seemed a bit loose and I pushed it in completely. The power had definitely returned to the station before this, but since then we have had no issues. It also seems like the station was in and out in a similar fashion yesterday, so it is plausible that we loosened the fuse when we were working on the site that morning. We left unsatisfied, but unsure what else we could do given that everything was working fine at the time.
  • Just a note, the power cord situation in the SODAR trailer is a mess. 

There is an IOP scheduled tonight beginning at 0200. 

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