Arrived back out at CFACT to complete setup and restart equipment for operations.

The weather today was sunny with fog to the south and very cold this morning, -15C, slowing warming to -5C this afternoon with increasing cloud.  There was about 6 - 8 inches of snow on the field around the site, although it had drifted to 1 - 2 feet in the profiler enclosure.  Overall the ISS1 site seems okay, although we'll need to get a snowplow in to drive into the site (Dan is arranging this for tomorrow), and the portapotty got blown over and pushed across the field - apparently in high winds on Dec 26 when winds gusted to 56 mph at the nearby Heber airport.  There didn't appear to be any other damage apart from a missing piece of plywood that had been covering one of the RASS dishes.

Dug out much of the profiler and other areas around the site this morning.  Cleared snow from the north and east panels, although not yet from the south panel.

Inside the ISS1 trailer was cold (around -3C).  The main heater/ac unit is only working intermittently and makes a loud rattling noise so turned it off.  There might be some ice built up on the fan.  Fortunately we also have a couple of oil panel heaters and they warmed up the trailer nicely by the afternoon.

Warmed up the profiler and gradually turned on sections of the electronics with John and Liz's remote guidance solving a couple of power supply glitches.  Operational from about 22:50 UT with the main power supply drawing 3.46A at 50V in 100 meter mode, and 4.87A in 150 meter mode.  Getting winds from about 600m up to around 4km AGL with gap in the 2-3km zone, presumably due to a dry layer.

Checked on the wind lidar this afternoon.  The lidar laptop had a glitch and required a hard reboot, but the lidar itself seems to be running okay with status indicators all green, although I looked at the data in detail yet.

ISS1 site on 3 Jan 2022.  Note the blown-over port-a-potty to the left.

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