Another beautiful bluebird day today. Weather remained calm with clear skies and warmed up to about 40F.

Started off doing a couple of checks on the Lidar. There is still plenty of wiper fluid to last the rest of the project. I inspected the lens and found the inside of it has frosted over. I had noticed a couple droplets of water on the inside at the start of the project and with the cold weather they must've formed this frost. Bill has contacted Vaisala to figure out what to do. It's strange to have this liquid since the dessicant is supposed to help. All the dessicant is still orange (good) and yesterday's RH inside of the Lidar was 16%.

Matt and I did soil samples at 4 sites today. The sounding went off with no issues.

I turned one of the AC units in the enclosure since temps inside are reaching 35C. 

John came in and his train was only 20 minutes late, not bad considering it could run much later than that.

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