Daily status 14 Jan 2011
On site: Militzer, Oncley (back again)

Another snow last night and low overcast in morning.

    - Playa1 developed a memory issue yesterday and crashed at 4pm.  Rebooted this morning, but there are no data
       from last night.
    - "flux" computer in base was sluggish -- dsm_server died yesterday about 2pm.  Rebooted and servers restarted.
    - All kryptons read low values last night (must be because Oncley is now here).
    - 3Batteries Stn1,3,5,6;  Insulation added to all.

Vdsm: ok, lowest values still at 7.   Overall 12.2-12.4V.
Vmote.rad: ok.
Vmote.soil(aux): ok. lowest is eslope main

Current Conditions:

P: ok 845 to 885 mb, rising.
T: ok -4 to +1 degC
RH: Currently 60-100%. All >90% last night.
Rainr (3,4,6):  Totals 2.8, 1.8, 1.0mm, respectively, last night
Spd (1,6): ok.
Dir (1,6): ok.

csat diag: ok (slightly surprising, given snow, but playa1 sonic was clear of snow this morning)
samples.sonic: ok
spd: ok, Generally <2 m/s overnight.
dir: ok, most stations west
u'u': ok, max 1.0 m2/s2 higher variations 5&6
v'v': ok, max 1.0 m2/s2
w'w': ok, max 0.4 m2/s2
u*: ok, max 0.5 m/s
sigma_w/u*: 6&7 have the same excursions even below 1 (perhaps real?)

tc: ok, -4 to +2 degC.
tc'tc': ok max 2.2 degC; large values at 5&6
w'tc': ok, -0.06 to 0.06 m/s degC; large overnight negative values at 5&6.

kh2oV:  max 1.6--2.8 yesterday.  All bad overnight.  Lowest now is 0.3V@3
kh2o'kh2o': daytime very small, <.01.
w'kh2o': 0 to 0.010 during day

all radiometers could have snow (except 1 that we cleaned this morning)

Rsw.in: ok, max 350-650 W/m2 yesterday.  Now 100-400.
Rsw.out: ok, max 250-450 W/m2 yesterday.
albedo: ok, 0.7-1.0 yesterday.
Rsw.dfs (1,7): max 200-350 W/m2 yesterday.  River SPN-1 pretty close
Rsw.global (1,7): generally agrees with Rsw.in values

Rlw.in: ok, 230-320 W/m2
Rpile.in: ok, -150 to 0 W/m2
Tcase.in: ok, -5 to +14 degC
Tdome.in (1,2,5): ok, -5  to +14 degC

Rlw.out: ok, 285-320 W/m2
Rpile.out: ok, -80 to +5 W/m2
Tcase.out: ok, -5 to +14 degC
Tdome.out (1,2,5): ok, -5 to +13 degC

soil.aux at E & W Slope (5,6)
Tsoil: ok. concave profile at 2.  Frozen (only) at 2, 7, some 5 and 6
Gsoil: ok.
Qsoil: ok. 2,5,6 partly frozen (consistent with Tsoil)
Cvsoil: ok