The whole day was clear and calm. When we left the hotel it was about 13F and stayed fairly cold until the afternoon when it warmed up to the mid 30s. Apparently it's been some of the cleanest air the valley has had in awhile.

Since the PIs decided to have a mostly down day and everything was operational this morning Matt and I did a little cross country skiing.

This afternoon after getting back Isabel had informed me that the ubiquity link between the sounding trailer and base was down. After coming up with a troubleshooting plan with her and Bill during our meeting it had came back online. 

Matt and I joined in watching the tether sonde which had its maiden flight today. During today sounding we also trained 3 more students on the radio sondes (Miles, Zac and Zach). After our sounding they finally got the large balloon in the air.

After that we took a trip back to DC since the batteries we changed yesterday died quickly. We were hoping the power would be restored since it was supposed to be finished today, however that was not the case. 

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