On this page you'll find the policies and other documents which inform NSDL operations, especially concerning library scope and collection accessioning. These documents can be especially helpful for prospective collection builders hoping to gain better understanding of the requirements for resources and metadata for accessioning into the NSDL.
NSDL Collection Policy
(revised January 2013)
Information on how collections, resources, and metadata are accepted.
NSDL Collection Development Blueprint
(revised January 2012)
The current needs, priorities, and strategies of the library. Defines gaps and needs in the overall collection.
Resource Quality Checklist
(June 2012)
A checklist for collection builders to help guide their selection of educational resources.
NSDL Weeding Plan
(March 2012)
The current work plan for removing outdated and broken materials from the library. Contains criteria for deaccessioning.
Privacy Policy
(revised January 2013)
How NSDL uses the data from users and collection builders.
Resource Metadata Rubric
(January 2012)
A checklist for collection builders to help guide quality metadata formation, based on the Learning Application Metadata (LAR) format.
Annotation Metadata Rubric
(January 2012)
A checklist for collection builders to help guide quality annotation metadata formation.
Paradata Metadata Rubric
(January 2012)
A checklist for collection builders to help guide quality paradata metadata formation.