Blog from January, 2011

site wvally4 visit

12 Jan, 2011 on site: John and Ling

1520 to 1540

1525 turn off  wifi

1530 add insulation to keep batteries warm.  All terminal lugs were snug.


checked radiometers. all clean

The ETI rain gauge has less fluid than when we were here Sunday so it drained some of its contents.  The slurry appears to have plenty of antifreeze.

site wslope6 visits

12 Jan 2011 on site: John and Ling


1428 turn off wiki

1430 install insulation for batteries, and add third battery


radiometers are clean.

rain gauge looks good.

site river7 visits

12 Jan. 2012 on site: John and Ling

start at 1325- 50

1230 turn off wiki

1337 install insulation for the batteries


radiometers are checked and clean                                                                                                                 

site abc2 visits

12 Jan, 2011 on site: John and Ling


1210 install insulation for battery

1234: clean up radiometers (methanol first, then distilled water. tryout)

site eslope5 visits

11 Jan , 2011


1459:clean up radiometers,

15:45 change and add desiccants for the lower two radiometers

1545: add third battery, and add insulation

1600: turn off wifi

notes: radiometers:

significant trampling of snow on the south side of the saddle horse. prefer one trail from north to the stand. All others will be outside of the fence.

site hiland3 visit

11 Jan, 2011 On site : John and Ling

1305 clean up radiometers

1338 change the desiccants for the radiometers (2 long and 1 short, the upper right long doesn't need to change)

1356 add the third battery, and add insulation to the battery box to keep them warm (batt-dsm measured 14.44V)

1358 rain gauge, ice blogs

01/10/2010 ~15:00 MST Station-2, ABC, JM, Ling

Sonic Boom Angle check

The direction was shot from the east of the station looking into the CSAT.   DataScope reading = 258.5 with 0-deg. magnetic deviation used.   Handheld compass reading 261.5 with 0-deg magnetic deviation used.   We both tried the datascope and had the same results and agreed upon the location of the tripod.

visit site abc2, jan 10

10 Jan, 2010. 1205-1500 On site John, Ling

1405 wifi is  down

1415 clean up radiometers

1422 mast down

1425 clean up krypton , meausred 2V

1431 mast up

1500 shoot the boom (258.5deg from sonic toward the tower, get owner's permission to enter the field to read)

site playa1 visit

10 Jan, 2011. 1245-1330 On site: John and Ling

1245 turn off wifi.  We turned off the wifi to save what is estimated to be about .6W, roughly 1.2AH/day.   This site has been consistently having low battery swings at night.   Hopefully this will help save enough energy to have a measurable effect upon battery discharge.

1300 clean up raiometers


vbatt ok

desiccants ok

site playa1 visit

9 Jan 11, John, Steve, and Ling

1543-1550: clean up radiometers and shadow-band. had a few crystals on the top of the dome.  Shadow-band sensor had bird droppings.  Shadow band looked a bit off, but didn't change.  Other quantum sensor okay.

TRH a bit noisy, but okay.

GPS jumpers were okay.

Well, we didn't get to all 7 sites, but only because ABC was locked.  We'll hit it tomorrow.

9 Jan: Dong, Militzer, Oncley

Continuing our odessy -- will we make it to every site today??

1433-1438: clean radiometers, and were snow encrusted

inspect ETI: okay

inspect TRH: okay

1438: mast down

1443: clean up krypton measuring 2.25V

1449: mast up

wslope6 site visit

9 Jan: Dong, Militzer, Oncley

1359-1402: clean radiometers

Solar panels free of snow

TRH fan a <bit> noisy

1400: inspected precip gauge -- not frozen/looked okay

Inspected GPS power jumpers in mote -- all were in place

river7 site visit

9 Jan: Oncley, Dong, Militzer

~1220: clean radiometers (including SPN1)

1225-1245: plugging/unplugging sensors to determine reason for failure.  Second plug/unplug and white-button reset fixed.  Hmmm...

1245: declared "fixed"

9 Jan: Oncley, Dong, Militzer

brush a bit of solar panel

~1125: cleaned radiometers

krypton ok at 2.7 -- no action needed

1135-1138: replaced TRH fan housing since noisy fan.  Back ok

1140 snow flurries starting, though still 6/8 cloud

9 Jan

solar panel cleaning

brush off snow from pressure port and TRH (not plugging inlet)

~1020: radiometer cleaning

1033: mast down

1036: krypton klean 0.7-> 2.1V

1049: mast up