Blog from January, 2011

Daily status 9 Jan

Daily status 9 Jan 2011
On site: Dong, Oncley (Militzer expected later today)

IOP5 ended early this morning with a cold front bringing 1-2" of snow.
Weather: low overcast in the valley, clear at higher elevations.

Summary: Everything working as expected.  Some comments:
    - Kryptons have had continual problems with frost/snow.  Most clear themselves during the day.
    - TRH's have plugged up in riming conditions.  Use data with caution.  (It will be challenging to identify these cases.)
    - Props occasionally read lower even in winds greater than stall speed.  <might> be real, but icing also possible.
    - Precip tips overnight are the first real observations we've seen since we've been here (2 Jan)
    - Soils are freezing, making Qsoil measurements (that only measure liquid water) decrease
    - Conditions yesterday had Gsoil nearly constant; the digitizing resolution (0.1 W/m2) is seen in the data at all sites (except 7)

Vdsm: ok, lowest values 12.0-12.3V.  We may brush off panels today.
Vmote.rad: ok. lowest values 12.5-12.9 V
Vmote.soil(aux): ok, lowest values 12.3-12.9.

Current Conditions:

P: ok 835 to 870 mb, with weak minimum last night.  Now rising.
T: ok -14 to -6 degC now, with up to 7 C drop at 6 overnight (but 2,5,7 show no drop)
RH: 85 to 97% now
Q: ok
Rainr (3,4,6): Tips overnight at all sites are real 1.0--3.1mm total
Spd (1,6): ok, 1,5 m/s now. 
Dir (1,6): ok, westerly now.

csat diag: ok.  Some spiking at 4,6 (and perhaps others) associated with snow.
samples.sonic: drop at 7AM this morning at 2,3,6 presumably snow related
spd: ok, 1--5 m/s now
dir: ok, W or N across network
u'u': ok, 0 to 1 m^2/s^2 dominated by events at 1 and 6 yesterday
v'v': ok, 0 to 1 m^2/s^2 dominated by events at 1 and 5 yesterday
w'w': ok, 0 to 0.2 m^2/s^2 (rather quiet in yesterday's haze)
u*: ok, 0 to 0.4 m/s
sigma_w/u*: 1 and 5 sometimes low

tc: ok, -16 to -6 degC now
tc'tc': ok < 0.7 degC^2; large nighttime values at 1,5,6
w'tc': ok, -0.03 to 0.05 m/s degC (-30 to +50 W/m^2)

kh2oV: all but 6 and 7 went to zero in last nights snow.  1 is recovering itself.  Max values yesterday 0.7--3.1 V.  Time to clean 2,3,4.
kh2o'kh2o': daytime very small, large values as sensors were covered last night
w'kh2o': small values during day; night values larger due to snow

All uplooking radiometers likely have snow on them this morning... ok, max only 400 W/m^2 yesterday
Rsw.out: ok, max 300 W/m^2 yesterday (snow cover at all sites)
albedo: ok, 0.7-0.9 at all sites, some with sun angle dependence
Rsw.dfs (1,7): up to 350 W/m^2 at Playa, 200 at River (large values could be real in yesterday's haze);
      SPN-1 agreed with shadowband yesterday, but differs today, likely due to snow. (1,7): max 250 W/m^2 yesterday ok, 200-290 W/m^2 ok, -90 to 0 W/m^2 ok, -15 to +1 degC (1,2,5): ok, -15 to +1 degC

Rlw.out: ok, 220-300 W/m^2
Rpile.out: ok, -50 to +10 W/m^2
Tcase.out: ok, -14 to +1 degC
Tdome.out (1,2,5): ok, -14 to +1 degC

soil.aux at E & W Slope (5,6)
Tsoil: ok, abc2, eslope5aux, river7 now frozen.  Some sites have very little variation (which is ok)
Gsoil: ok, with little surface forcing yesterday, fluxes nearly constant -- see digitizing resolution in data.
Qsoil: 7 (Eslope/River) to 29 (Hiland) %vol; expect values to go to 0 as soils freeze.
Cvsoil: ok, 5e5 (Wvalley, Eslope, River) to 1.8e6 (Playa, Wslope) J/(m^3 degK); strange abc jump yesterday.

site eslope5 visit, jan 8

Jan 8, On site SteveO and Ling D

1212: fix the broken fence around the solar panels, and brush the snow

1214: Clean 1-cm thick snow plug from bottom of TRH -- fan is running.

1216: Verified that GPS power jumpers are in place at all motes.

1228: clean up the radiometers

1230: lower the mast

1232: brush off sonic anemometer and krypton

1233: brush off pressure port

1235: clean up krypton

1238: kv measured 2.9v

1245: mast up

river7 site visit, jan 7

7 Jan: Dong, Oncley

6--14cm of hard-skinned snow; clear but hazy

1545: clean up radiometers

1550: mast down

1553,1557: clean krypton (twice, since only went from 0.5 to 1.1V the first time.  Was 1.8V the second time and 2.1 by the time we left.

1614: mast up

1630: shoot the boom of sonic (80.9deg)

wvally4 visit

7 Jan: Oncley&Dong

12-14cm of snow cover; hazy (near top of haze layer?)

1405-1407: stir ETI gauge (still some uncounted snow); waiting 10min for this (possibly) to be counted,

1417: remove ice from gauge

14:15 clean up radiometer

14:23 add .4 gallon eti fluid to the gauge, (ice plog is 8 inch much bigger than before ), green fluid was frozen, filmed the  side of the gauge.

Daily status 7 Jan

Daily status 7 Jan 2011
(sorry for my typo on the last status header I sent out and for no status messages the last 2 days)

Still in IOP5

Based on previous 48 hour WWW plots, "now" readings from this morning using S+, and other information
On site: Dong, Oncley

Weather: low overcast, light snow overnight and wet(!) roads.  Seems warmer than the -8C reported at most stations.

Summary: All sensor outages addressed, except for Playa1 aux soil site which was deliberately uninstalled
         Sun Photometer installed yesterday at River7
         All kryptons currently frost covered and are reading 0.
         All 10m kryptons have not been cleaned recently, but still have acceptable signal levels.  We would have
             to disrupt flux data during this (long) IOP5 to service these.

Vdsm: ok, lowest values 12.1-12.4V batteries fully charged yesterday
Vmote.rad: ok. lowest values12.6-13.0 V
Vmote.soil(aux): ok, lowest values 12.4-13.0.

Current Conditions:

P: ok 850 to 880 mb now, slightly falling.
T: ok -12 to -7 degC now.  At least Playa1 get frost during the night
RH: 85 to 97% now
Q: ok
Rainr (3,4,6): Tips at Wslope6 yesterday was servicing.  Wvally4 tips probably not real or current.
Spd (1,6): <1 m/s now.  Seems low at Wslope6 starting 4 Jan ~2200.  Didn't notice anything obvious when shooting
        its boom angle yesterday.
Dir (1,6): ok, variable

csat diag: ok.  A few spikes overnight at Wslope6
samples.sonic: real-time data show dropped samples esp at night, maybe ok in archived data set
spd: ok, ~1 m/s now
dir: ok, variable across the network
u'u': ok, 0 to 0.7 m2/s2 dominated by events at abc2 and river7 yesterday
v'v': ok, 0 to 0.8 m2/s2 "
w'w': ok, 0 to 0.4 m2/s2 "
u*: ok, 0 to 0.4 m/s
sigma_w/u*: ok.

tc: ok, -12 to -8 now degC
tc'tc': ok < 1.8 degC2; huge nighttime values at wslope6, playa1, river7 -- are these real?
w'tc': ok, -0.03 to 0.08 m/s degC

kh2oV: all ~0 now with frost.  During day, 1 and 6 now >2V after recent cleanings.  Others 0.7-1.2V.
kh2o'kh2o': daytime very small
w'kh2o': small values during day; night values larger, likely frost related ok, daytime 300-600 W/m2 yesterday
Rsw.out: ok, daytime 250-400 W/m2 (snow cover at all sites)
albedo: ok, 0.6-0.9 at all sites, some with sun angle dependence
Rsw.dfs (1,7): up to 350 W/m2 at Playa, 70 at River (does Playa need to be adjusted?); SPN-1 now at River
     and agrees with shadowband (1,7): up to 500 W/m2 ok, 200-280 W/m2 ok, -150 to 0 W/m2 ok, -17 to +10 degC (1,2,5): ok, -17 to +10 degC

Rlw.out: ok, 240-300 W/m2
Rpile.out: ok, -80 to +10 W/m2
Tcase.out: ok, -17 to +10 degC
Tdome.out (1,2,5): ok, -17 to +10 degC

soil.aux at E & W Slope (5,6)
Tsoil: ok, abc2, eslope5aux, river7 now frozen
Gsoil: ok, +4 (most) to 35 W/m2 (River)
Qsoil: 8 (Eslope/River) to 30 (Hiland) %vol; expect values to go to 0 as soils freeze.
Cvsoil: ok, 5e5 (Wvalley, Eslope, River) to 1.8e6 (Playa, Wslope) J/(m3 degK); strange abc jump yesterday.

wslope6 Site Visit

10:16am MST, 7 Jan 2011

Wslope site used for balloon launch observing upslope flow and sidewall radiation processes.

Site inspected as part of this. Riming observed on tower, and  radiometers.

Solar panels were clear and mostly dry.Rain gauge found to have slushy blocks in, but was mostly fluid. Images are available if necessary.

at 10:27am MST radiometers were cleaned with snow by Sebnastian Hoch. Sonic riming was knocked off by tapping the sonic boom. Krypton appeared ok, and data has been coming in for some time, so the krypton was not cleaned.

Rime ice still present on sonic socks, but transducers appear clear. Steve and Ling in the trailer can coinfirm this.

Day appears sunny, so remaining rime ice may melt during the day.

6 Jan Dong&Oncley

5--10cm of hard wind-packed snow

1140 install a new radiometer (twh: SPN1)

1138 clean up radiometers

1140 soil sample

1147 take pictures

boom angles: 86.6 (looking up) 85.6 (to tower near tripod)

TRH fan okay

6 Jan Oncley@Dong

About 10cm of snow on the ground

0953 klean krypton 1.0 -> 2.5V

1003 clean up radiometers

1012 soil samples (top 4cm is frozen, therefore samples represent depths closer to 0-4cm and 4-6cm)

1028 add Tsoil sensors

1030-1034 break ice in the gauge

1038 shoot the booms: sonic 79.0; prop 169.3

1038 take pictures

1046 add about 0.6galloons of ETI fluid 3 to gauge

out of fog

broke out of fog driving south on 172 at about 4000S at 09:17AM.

6 Jan Oncley&Dong

About half as much frost as yesterday -- say 5mm thick everywhere.  Visibility about 0.3mi in fog.

0830 brush off solar panels

0831 blow out snow from TRH (noisy fan)

0833 klean krypton (now 2.4V) and brush off sonic

0836-0844 clean radiometers

prop boom angle 174.2

Because of fog, sensors may ice up again...

Morning status 6 Jan

Status 1/6/2011: Oncley&Dong onsite.

Fog this morning, about 0.2mi visibility.  Frost on van windows at the Rez.

Stn1 krypton frosted up immediately in the evening last night.

Stn3 krypton also went to 0 early this morning

Stn4 krypton appears to be failing just now

Our plan:

Stn1 quick visit to defrost sensors and to shoot prop angle (might not "stick" since lots of fog still present)

Stn6 normal visit

Stn7 normal visit and add SPN-1 and klean krypton if time

Return to campus for 1:00 meeting

router power consumption

This probably is old news, but on the spare dsm (isfs8) with just barometer and gps inputs, the power consumption is:

12.5V @ 0.55A = 6.9W (router on with ssh connection, but no udp data)

12.5V @ 0.31A = 3.9W (router turned off by: viper_dio /dev/viper_dio0 7 0)

for a difference of 3.0W.

Eslope5 site visit Jan 5, 2011

on site 5,  (Jan 5, 1011,   2:45pm )SteveO, LingD, and JoeY

1> take soil samples (2:45PM)

2> decided not to change Tsoil sensor since top 1cm of ground is frozen -- thought I'd do more damage than good. (2:50pm)

3> cleaned radiometer (about 3:00PM)

4> boom angle 251.0 (5:10pm)

krypton status

SteveO and Ling measured through cellullar at playa1 ( Jan 5, 1011, 10:30am):

Site#      krypton-measurements:

1            2.4

2            .9

3            .9

4           1.3

5           1.0

6           .9

7           .6

Playa1 site visit Jan 5, 2011

On the site: SteveO and Ling  (Jan. 5, 1011, 8:40am - 10:10am)

Beautiful frosty conditions.  Half foot of snow, and ice/frost on tree, bushes, and instruments.

1> take pictures ( 8:40am This site is cold, covered with snow, significant different from others, it worthy of pictures taken)

2> clean up sonic and krypton sensors (8:46am)  Both were covered with hoar frost (both arms and over sonic transducers, over frame and krypton tubes).  Also the krypton tube faces had frost.

3> clean up radiometers (9am)

4> clean up TRH (9am)  I'm not positive, but I believe the fan started while we were there (had been stuck?).  I removed the tube and blew bits of snow out.  The SHT itself was relatively clear.

5> reinstalled the krypton electronics on its official bracket, though Joe's cable-tie mount was perfectly fine (reconnected at 9:33am)

6> clean up solar panel (9:35am)

7> take soil samples (9:50)

8> shoot the boom (10am), measured 77.3degrees