Weather: Cold and breezy. Low stratus early followed by scattered cumulus through the afternoon.


  • Did the rounds to all six pressure sites to perform a power cycle. The pi sleep command was supposed to bring the antennas back up after a period of time, however they failed to do so. Battery voltages were looking acceptable but Hendrik planned to power down the antennas again so there is no risk of a site dying during the IOP tonight
  • Gary has been working on a script to periodically power the antennas on and off to limit the draw down of the batteries on site. This is nearing implementation.
  •  Hendrik continued the soil moisture experiment.
  • Hendrik helped ISS troubleshoot 449 issues. One of the main culprits was determined to be water pooling on the radomes.
  • I surveyed the 2 University of Wisconsin's temporary met stations they installed south of the swale.
  • A collection of students and a professor from an instrumentation class will be around for the IOP this evening to test different instrumentation, including some that will be utilized for the CHEESEHEAD field campaign. As I finished up they survey they were testing a UAV with a thermal camera. They plan to do a flight at dawn tomorrow morning when the maximum gradient in the swale will be measurable (in theory)

Hope all goes well for everyone out there this evening!

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