We setup the ISFS station at Sedgwick  on March 12 with Tony, Gert-Jan and Chris.
The ground was fairly soft here, but seemed firm enough to hold stakes.
This tower had the DSM mounts in a wierd location (under the mask), and one of the guy wires was too short, which was recified with additional quick links.
This setup went smoothly except for the Sonic which never came alive. This will have to be looked at during burn-in

There was a fire in the distance ( Hollister Fire, near Gaviota State Park); hopefully this will not impact other set ups.

On the drive back, we scouted out the exact location of the S13, Rancho Alegre (boy scout camp).  This should be an easy setup with a drive up to the site. 

The one pickup is still on Little Pine and will hopefully be retrieved tomorrow.

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