Coastal fog this morning – seems to have taken out s1 EC150, but it came back.  Nice (warm and light winds) rest of day.

Started with data orientation for Adam and Andrew. 


  • installed manfrotto and NR01.  In the process, disconnected Tsoil binder, but replugged and taped
  • discovered that the QDP port was loose and hanging down.  Lowered the mast, fixed, and raised the mast.


  • moved NR01 to correct mote
  • found that the GPS wasn't sending a consistent GPGGA message.  Tried reseating the antenna cable (which seemed okay even before) and rebooting.  Saw a few GGA messages fly through about 30s after reboot, then back to missing.  cs consistently showed "#X pps0 ..." indicating that it wasn't getting useful GPS messages.  Thus, swapped DSM to one used at CFACT LC.  GPS and chrony seemed happy again.

That's it for the day.  We have s14, s7, and s6 planned for tomorrow.  Also will start the first round of soil samples.

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1 Comment

  1. Sorry, s4 GPS was a known problem: ISFS-543.  I had run out of ideas to try besides replacing the serial card or the whole DSM, so it's good to hear that replacing the DSM worked.  To be clear, chrony should have been happy before, since it was synchronizing to Internet NTP servers instead of PPS.  Instead of stratum 1 it has been at worst stratum 3, so the system time should have been plenty accurate.